I saw this guy collecting recycling outside apartment buildings on 238th Street while walking back to the subway after a New York Times assignment on Wednesday, December 3rd.
He was deaf and dumb, so I asked him if I could take his picture by typing a text message into my cell phone and showing him the screen. He let me know it was okay by pulling a Daily News out of his recycling and giving me a big smile.
Another nearby recycler speculated that this guy's take was worth more than $100, though he was at a loss for how the guy was going to transport his huge load.
Recycling is a full-time job and recyclers typically know the superintendents at the buildings where they collect cans and bottles. In this way, there are well-established informal territories for collection. A recycler typically makes between $200-$300 a week. This was an atypically good day as people consume more and create more recycling during the holidays.